SNS 上最反智的舉止
1. 誤以為行為是序列化
其中最高票數的: 曬時間, 快d 起好好過; 究竟是甚麼令他覺得如果不改名對事情完成進度有幫助呢?
2. 無法從零點開始審視評分
如: 如果是大機構的出品, 評分會成為手中威脅的工具,
大量的一星評價如下: It's so annoying that everyone uses Facebook, but this is the best android can offer! The people at FB cannot put things in date order (even when Most Recent is selected, you still get updates from weeks ago) every morning I have to select Most Recent, which is still not in date order. The photo up loading selects EVERY single photo on my device, instead of selecting folders to choose. It can't even link to links in a web page! There are a LOT more details, but I can't list them all. Basically, you're stuck with this terrible app!!! >:o(
而總不會想Facebook 的android app 已經提供了多少做得很好的功能
3. 無視主題只說意見
4. Raging.
5. 惡意解讀
這個例子不是太貼切, 以後再找
一開始說"睇噃D新聞,個媽咪點解好似咁冷靜嘅?"時, 背後有其他猜測吧
6. 立場導向
"D大陸喱,座大飛走架!香港警察冇撚用", 除了個人幻想, 有甚麼和大陸人和香港警察無用可以拉上關係?
7. 其他人身攻擊(謬誤)