why are u doing this!!!???
我唔知係唔係因為聖誕節...你過住咁ge 生活而覺得好低落...
其實可能我都有關係, 係個個日子我竟然無搵過你, 但究竟有無其他人搵過你呢....
哎...好亂ar...點解你要咁傻ar!!! 你篇小說我都未睇哂未比comment 你ga!!! 近排又咁多online game 玩!!!
sor, 我唔應該仲掛住玩, 但我而家講野仲有咩用呢...
我打埋呢篇就去你屋企... 因為我覺得其實你阿媽都係個好脆弱的人... 仲有ar 妹, 佢咁細個tim...
點解你要咁做, i never expect u would do this!....曾經我地成日一齊玩的日子...你每個星期都過黎過夜打機,
你可能唔知, 係我認識你之前我從未試過咁珍惜一段友情, 一個朋友...
until the time ends, forever friends we are
I'll spend this winter by remembering our past and cherish it - the Christmas day